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In the words of Trampas Parker: "On January 7, 2018, I won the greatest race that I would ever win in my life! That’s when I was truly inducted into the Hall of Fame, called the Book of Life! I realized then, all the success in my life was just a platform being built for the day I surrendered to & accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and became a Fisher of Men. I will be sharing my testimony about a man who thought he had it all worked out with God, but little did I know, over 2000 years ago God had already worked it out. 'From Motocross to the cross of Jesus!' "

Come out a join other men with a passion for God, who also have a desire to be all that God has for them.
Enjoy a meal, worship, a speaker, and time by the fire with men in the community, on the 4th Thursday of each month!


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