We all start in a place of spiritual darkness, symbolized by a black chair filled with holes. This chair represents our life before knowing Christ, where we try to fill the emptiness in our souls with various pursuits—education, relationships, success, and even religion. However, these efforts only leave us feeling more empty and broken.
In John 3, we meet Nicodemus, a religious leader who was curious about spiritual truth. Despite his success and religious knowledge, he felt something was missing. He was drawn to Jesus, intrigued by His teachings and miracles. Nicodemus's curiosity led him to seek Jesus out at night, symbolizing his spiritual darkness and desire for light.
Jesus tells Nicodemus that to see the Kingdom of God, one must be born again. This concept of being "born again" signifies a spiritual rebirth, a fresh start with no past and a bright future. Just as physical birth brings us into this world, spiritual rebirth brings us into God's Kingdom.
Nicodemus was confused by Jesus's words. He questioned how an old man could be born again. Jesus explained that this new birth is spiritual, not physical. It involves repentance and the work of the Holy Spirit, transforming us from within.
Jesus likens the Holy Spirit to the wind—unseen but felt. Just as we can't control the wind, we can't control the Spirit. The Spirit moves us towards God, creating a sense of curiosity and drawing us closer to Jesus.
Jesus emphasizes that belief is the key to this new birth. Knowing the Bible or being religious isn't enough. Faith in Jesus and His sacrifice is what brings about spiritual rebirth. Jesus uses the story of Moses lifting the bronze snake in the wilderness to illustrate this point. Just as the Israelites were healed by looking at the snake, we are saved by looking to Jesus.
John 3:16 encapsulates the essence of the Gospel: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." God's love offers us a choice—eternal life through belief in Jesus or judgment for unbelief.
This week, reflect on your spiritual journey. Are you still sitting in the black chair, trying to fill the emptiness with worldly pursuits? Or have you experienced the new birth that Jesus offers? Embrace the fresh start that comes with being born again.
Take a step towards spiritual growth by joining a small group or Bible study. Surround yourself with people who can walk with you on this journey, providing support and encouragement. Remember, spiritual maturity is a process that involves community, the Word of God, and the work of the Holy Spirit.
May you find the courage to move from darkness to light, embracing the new life that Jesus offers.